domingo, 18 de mayo de 2008

Mother's Day in Chicago

Yep, that is me you see in this collage I snagged from my sister's blog. Yes, I went to Chicago. No, it wasn't planned. Yes, it was RAD! When Nathan overheard me talking to my sister about how they were all going to Chicago, he got online and had reserved me a ticket before I even hung up the phone. I left 2 days later!

Sarah and Devin had planned to rendezvous with Mom at Teresa's for a week. One by one all the rest of us showed up and surprised mom. My sisters took her for a walk in the park and I was there disguised as a mugger. I completely freaked her out. It was awesome. Then Katie, Nat, and Dad showed up while we were out for pizza. Mom loved it.

Chicago is a great city. I loved exploring it with my sisters. The museums rival any I have visited in Europe and the hot dogs were the best I have ever had. The highlight for me was going to see "Wicked." (My Mother's Day gift along with a jewelry box Gracie made me that is "the prettiest box ever." She is so proud of it!). The 7th Inning Stretch at the Cubs game (my first real baseball game) immediately followed by a Fukudome home run was pretty cool, too. It was so great to leave all my responsibilities behind and vacation with the fam. I just love them so much!

4 comentarios:

lishalou dijo...

HOW fun! I would have love to have been there to see Mama Darleen's face and be with all you girls again. Old times, gotta miss them! Love and miss you! When do I get to travel with you and get away to one of these tropical places?

lishalou dijo...

by the way...why aren't I on your friend list!? GEEZ!

(notice I don't even have one just for that reason, I'm afriad I'd forget someone! ha!)

Sarah dijo...

Nice photo snag... although I think you should have opted for Teresa's over mine. :) Wasn't that trip the best!?! I'm still having withdrawls... And Devin is so happy to have more Cubs buddies.

Sarah dijo...

Hey JV, this is Devin. Thank you for your positive endorsement of my beloved Cubbies. That was such a fun day, I was so happy to share the Wrigley Field experience with the Palmer clan. I pretty much consider Wrigley the second happiest place on earth next to Disneyland of course. Go Cubs Go...